





The morning of Monday 11 March, saw the first of several events organised, or co-organised by Soroptimist International, to be held over the coming two weeks, at the Commission on the Status of Women Sixty-third session.

Organised by Pan Pacific and SouthEast Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA) and Soroptimist International (SI), the event ‘Addressing Gender through the Compact for Safe & Orderly Migration’ was moderated by SI Director of Advocacy, Beverly Bucur and featured panelists including Barbara Rochman – SI UN Representative New York; Dr. Nina Smart – Soroptimist and author, Yvonne Rafferty, Pace University, Helen Yang, SIA Taiwan Region, Kesinee Dulyarat, Jenny Yang, Yolanda Tsuda and Enpu Kuo.

Yvonne Rafferty, spoke of the impact trafficking in children has on the child, reporting findings gathered through interviews in South-East Asia. Yvonne discussed how the face of the traffickers has changed, and of the challenges of identification, recovery and reintegration. She spoke of the use of the Internet as a tool for recruitment, and the importance and need for recovery and rehabilitation of children who have been traumatised. She also looked at of the variance in programmes available, some offering basic services, others more high quality, raising concerns regarding detained facilities – noting that there was little in the way of facilities for boys, and too many children in residential care.

Barbara Rochman, SI United Nations Representative NY, spoke of the transnational nature of migration, and specifically broke down the fundamentals of the Global Compact of migration (GCM), exploring the provisions and detail therein, including gender responsive provisions, education, economic empowerment of women, and the importance of regional, government and civil society actors in regard to successful implementation.

Dr. Nina Smart shared her own powerful experiences and story, having escaped Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) just before the ‘initiation’ season started in West Africa in 1991. Questioning whether anything has really changed since then, Nina discussed what she called the ‘Secret Society’, sharing stories from her book, Wild Flower, which included testimony and experiences of others, and underlined her commitment to breaking the silence on the life-changing effects of FGM, and to fighting to end the harmful practice.

Yolanda Tsuda shared on the migration situation in Japan. Noting that the majority of undocumented migrants were women, she spoke of a rise in international marriages, particularly in rural areas – noting that the number of private and governmental marriage brokers peaked in 2006, however, it is on the increase again since 2016. She explained how ‘Entertainer’ had became a euphemism for ‘prostitute’ and how East Asia is the largest and fastest epicentre for feminization of migration. Helen Yang shared stories of best practice, speaking of the SIA Dream it Be it Programme and its ongoing success in Taiwan.

Lead Image Photo Left to right:
Back row- Jenny Yang, Yolanda Tsuda, Enpu Kuo, Barbara Rochman and Helen Yang.

Front row – Beverly Bucur, Yvonne Rafferty, Kesinee Dulyarat and Dr. Nina Smart.


2019年3月14日/SI HQ/CSW63,紐約


由泛太平洋和東南亞婦女協會(PPSEAWA)和國際蘭馨交流協會世界總會(SI)組織的“通過緊湊型安全和有序移民解決性別問題”活動由SI倡導總監Beverly Bucur和包括Barbara Rochman在內的特色小組成員主持 - SI聯合國代表紐約; Nina Smart博士 - 職業婦女顧問,作者,Yvonne Rafferty,佩斯大學,Helen Yang,SIA台灣地區,Kesinee Dulyarat,Jenny Yang,Yolanda Tsuda和Enpu Kuo。

Yvonne Rafferty談到了販賣兒童對兒童的影響,報告了通過東南亞採訪收集的調查結果。 Yvonne討論了販運者的面貌如何變化,以及識別,恢復和重新融合的挑戰。她談到利用互聯網作為招募工具,以及受到創傷的兒童康復和康復的重要性和必要性。她還研究了可用方案的差異,一些提供基本服務,另一些提供更高質量,引起對被拘留設施的擔憂 - 注意到男孩的設施很少,住宿照顧的孩子太多。

紐約SI聯合國代表Barbara Rochman談到了移民的跨國性質,並特別打破了全球移民契約(GCM)的基本原則,探討了其中的規定和細節,包括性別敏感條款,教育,經濟賦權婦女以及區域,政府和民間社會行為者在成功實施方面的重要性。

Nina Smart博士分享了她自己強大的經歷和故事,在1991年西非開始的“初始”季節之前逃脫了女性生殖器殘割(FGM)。質疑從那時起是否有任何改變,Nina討論了她所謂的' “秘密社會”,分享她的書“野花”中的故事,其中包括其他人的證詞和經歷,並強調她致力於打破對切割女性生殖器改變生活的影響的沉默,並努力結束有害做法。

Yolanda Tsuda分享了日本的移民情況。注意到大多數無證移民是女性,她談到國際婚姻增加,特別是在農村地區 - 注意到私人和政府婚姻經紀人的數量在2006年達到頂峰,然而,自2016年以來,這一數字再次上升。解釋了“藝人”是如何成為“妓女”的委婉說法,以及東亞如何成為移民女性化的最大和最快的中心。 Helen Yang分享了最佳實踐的故事,談到了SIA Dream it Be it計劃及其在台灣的持續成功。

Lead Image Photo從左到右:

後排 - Jenny Yang,Yolanda Tsuda,Enpu Kuo,Barbara Rochman和Helen Yang。

前排 - Beverly Bucur,Yvonne Rafferty,Kesinee Dulyarat和Nina Smart博士。

原文連結: https://www.soroptimistinternational.org/addressing-gender-in-migration/