


縮小差距 - 在曼谷確保包容性和平等性



A report by Helen Yang, Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA), Taiwan Region
Helen Yang from SIA Taiwan
Region was invited by PPSEAWA (Pan-Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association) Thailand to participate in the 75th session of the United Nations ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific) and CoNGO’s RCAP (Regional Committee in Asia-Pacific) session. This is Helen’s first time to attend ESCAP and RCAP, and she was much impressed and inspired.

“The 75th session was held from 27 to 31 May 2019 at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), in Bangkok. It was comprised of a ministerial segment, held 27 to 28 May, and a senior official segment, from 29 to 31 May. Over 800 delegates from 48 member states and associated members attended the session with permanent observes, UN agencies, NGOs, and CSOs.

“Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality” was the theme this year with special focus on three of the six UN Sustainable Development Goals under review, namely Goal 4 on quality of education, Goal 8 on decent work, and Goal 10 on reducing inequality.

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand delivered a special address, sharing her views and experiences on addressing various dimensions of human development through numerous Royal Projects, such as food security, health, nutrition, education, job opportunities, statelessness, forest and environment conservation. She pointed out that the importance of a people-centered approach to sustainable development. “People who live in underdeveloped areas also deserve to be happier and live better,” she said.

A flagship report ‘Closing the Gap: Empowerment and inclusion in Asia and the Pacific’ launched to coincide with the annual meeting, assessing whether disadvantaged group such as rural populations, person with disabilities, and women, have been effectively included in development. It shows that disadvantaged groups have benefited from economic growth and social progress in several countries. There are positive signs of empowerment in education with secondary completion rates for rural residents now on par with urban dwellers. Encouragingly, women’s completion rates have caught up with those of men.

This annual session has provided the opportunity to review, discuss findings, make recommendations, and conclusions for future work with the adoption of nine resolutions aimed at strengthening regional cooperation and partnerships towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Visit ESCAP to view the report ‘Closing the Gap: Empowerment and inclusion in Asia and the Pacific’

The Regional Committee in Asia-Pacific (RCAP) session was held on 29 May to 30, 2019, with a total of 20 organisations participated the session. Three representatives from the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO) presided over the session. They are President Liberato Bautista, first Vice President, Cyrill Ritchie and Associate Anne Medwed. The RCAP 2019 examined case studies by NGOs/CSOs on the implementation (regional, national and local), of six Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 4, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17) that were to be reviewed at the UN High-Level Political Forum at the UN Headquarters in July 2019. RCAP 2019 took place at Siam University, Bangkok. Events were in University Building 19. An exhibition space was on the same building.”

縮小差距 - 在曼谷確保包容性和平等性

2019年8月13日/SI HQ/曼谷

美洲聯盟台灣專區蘭馨國際交流協會(SIA)Helen Yang的報告

來自SIA台灣專區的Helen Yang受到PPSEAWA(泛太平洋和東南亞婦女協會)泰國的邀請,參加了第75屆聯合國亞太經社會(亞太經濟社會委員會)和CoNGO的RCAP(亞洲區域委員會) - 太平洋)會議。這是海倫第一次參加亞太經社會和亞太區域辦事處,她給人留下了深刻的印象和啟發。



泰國瑪哈·查克里·詩琳通公主殿下發表了一個特別講話,分享了她通過眾多皇家項目解決人類發展各個方面的看法和經驗,如糧食安全,健康,營養,教育,就業機會,無國籍,森林和環境保護。她指出以人為本的方法對可持續發展的重要性。 “居住在欠發達地區的人們也應該更幸福,生活得更好,”她說。


