




SIA Taiwan Region participated in the 2018 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking and the 2018 Workshop of Leadership Eminence Acceleration Program for Women in Asia Pacific.

Helen Yang of the SIA Taiwan Region reports.

“Since 2007, Taiwan government has been hosting International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking, and SIA Taiwan Region has been participating since then.

The 2018 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking wrapped up in Taipei City again, with some 300 local and foreign officials, scholars and nongovernmental organization representatives gathering to discuss the latest law enforcement and prevention measures.

Organized by the Ministry of the Interior, the two-day event comprised panel discussions and speeches on issues spanning forced labor in the fisheries industry and among migrant workers; mechanisms to identify and protect victims and vulnerable populations; practices employed by criminal organizations; penalties for perpetrators; as well as opportunities for strengthening international collaboration.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vice President Chen Chien-jen said that Taiwan is a committed partner in this global fight. Since the establishment in 2007 of the Coordination Conference for Human Trafficking Prevention, a platform for dialogue between government departments and commissions, the nation has spared no effort in ending related criminal practices, he added.

Taiwan’s long-term efforts in these areas have garnered international recognition, the vice president said, noting that in the most recent Trafficking in Persons Report released June 28 by the U.S. Department of State, the nation was awarded Tier 1 status for the ninth consecutive year.

Eliminating human trafficking requires close international collaboration, Chen said. To this end, Taiwan has reached agreements on immigration affairs and related prevention measures with 17 countries, and is determined to further expand cooperation with like-minded nations and NGOs, he added.

According to Chen, Taiwan will continue to staunchly defend the universal values of freedom, human rights and the rule of law. He called on the global community to recognize Taiwan’s long-standing efforts in human trafficking prevention and support its greater international participation so that the country can more effectively contribute to development and security around the world.

Participants in the 11th edition of the annual workshop include representatives from the American Institute in Taiwan, Belgium’s Payoke shelter for human trafficking victims, Freedom Network USA, Geneva-based Global Migration Policy Associates, Indonesia’s National Anti-Narcotics Agency, Justice Centre Hong Kong, London’s Metropolitan Police Service, the University of Auckland and the University of the Philippines, according to the MOI. (KWS-E)

Photo: Vice President Chen Chien-jen speaks at the opening of the International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking in Taipei City (Courtesy of Office of the President)

SIA Taiwan Region in the 2018 Workshop of Leadership Eminence Acceleration Program for Women in Asia Pacific

“Invited as one of the 19 NGO representatives to attend the 2018 Workshop of Leadership Eminence Acceleration Program (LEAP) for Women in Asia Pacific on 27 and 28 August, Helen Yang from SIA Taiwan Region reports.

“With the distribution of knowledge and the wave of globalization, the influence of rising women’s power and women’s rights is no longer confined to an individual country level; rather, it is gaining international and diverse characteristics.

Consequently, in order to find ways to boost women’s economic and leadership potentiality, women’s rights advocates are essential; Enable through NGOs and international exchange platforms by way of cooperation and soft diplomacy strategies, such advocates will present the highlights and achievements of women’s rights promotion in Taiwan on the global state. This serves as critical mechanism for promoting gender equality and other women’s as well as gender related issues in the future.

By initiating LEAP for Women in Asia Pacific, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development aim to foster engagement and human capital connectivity with the international community on women’s and gender equality affairs. This workshop and future partnership will strengthen the resolve and potential of NGO and women’s rights advocates, in turn driving the visibility and promotion of Taiwan and Women’s and gender-related affairs in the international arena as well as facilitating of cross-boarder cooperation”.

SIA台灣專區Helen Yang的報導。




這位副總統表示,台灣在這些領域的長期努力獲得了國際認可,並指出在美國國務院6月28日發布的最新“人口販運報告”中,該國連續第九年獲得一級地位。 。



第11屆年度研討會的參與者包括台灣美國研究所,比利時人口販運受害者Payoke庇護所,美國自由網絡,日內瓦全球移民政策協會,印度尼西亞國家禁毒局,香港司法中心,據MOI稱,倫敦大都會警察局,奧克蘭大學和菲律賓大學。 (KWS-E)
來自SIA台灣專區的Helen Yang報導,邀請作為19名非政府組織代表之一參加8月27日和28日在亞太地區舉辦的2018年亞太地區女性領導力加速計劃研討會(LEAP)。


